The landmark, dedicated to the 364 festivalgoers who were murdered by Hamas, attracts over 7,000 visitors a day
By Ellie Grant
The Purim party was scheduled to take place some nine miles from the border with Egypt over the weekend
By Akiva van Koningsveld
People who took MDMA coped better with the October 7 aftermath than those who did not, the study found
By Eliana Jordan
Brazilian government accused of surrendering ‘to the pro-Palestinian legal terrorism’
By JC Reporter
JNF UK held a Zumba dance event in London and Tel Aviv to raise money to support Nova survivors.
By Victoria Prever
Shirel Golan was found dead at her home, a year after the massacre at the music festival
By David Isaac
‘Surviving October 7th: We Will Dance Again’ prompted both praise and foul conspiracy theories
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A new documentary telling the story of the October 7 Nova massacre will air on primetime BBC 2
By Nicole Lampert
The relatives of five young people murdered on October 7 met at the festival ground to remember them a year on
By Amelie Botbol